Hey friends. I have no clue how many people are reading this blog or not...but for those of you who do, I have to apologize for this upcoming week. I am working M-F from 6-2 in waukegan and then packing because I am moving on Saturday! WOOHOO! Which not only means that I am busy packing, but all of my kitchen will be packed :( trust me, this is sadder for me than you can even imagine! I will TRY to bake at least once because I don't know if I can go the whole week without it!!! In any case, instead, I am reading a great book about facts that you would never know about food! So I am going to post a tidbit daily that HOPEFULLY you didn't know about! Maybe we can all learn together! Here is todays:
Is there a nutritional difference between dark meat and light meat on a chicken?
Dark meat (the leg, thigh, and back) has two to ten percent more calories than does the light meat (the breast), depending on the bird; fryers are more caloric than roasters. (fyi- fryer is a chicken between 6-8 wks old and weigh between 3-4.5 lbs. roasters are between 2-6 months and can reach up to 8 lbs). Dark meat also has slightly less protein and about 1/3 more fat. Both are low in cholesterol and supply comparable amounts of A and B vitamins and calcium!
Have a great sunday!!!
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